Wednesday, March 20, 2013

30 Seconds To Mars Up In the Air Review

Well it's been a while since I've done a review, but this had to be done. I loved A Beautiful Lie (The album and the song), I'm not that familiar with This Is War, and even less familiar with their self titled debut. I do know that 30 Seconds To Mars are a rock band that made at least one great album. They recently announced the release of their album Love Lust Faith + Dreams by sending their single Up In The Air into space. I liked that because I live near the space station, and not a bad title for a song or band name for a song being sent into space. However upon hearing the single I was confused. I understand a band experimenting, for example, when Linkin Park first released their song The Catalyst, many complained it sounded too electronic. And it was different for LP, but it did sound like a Linkin Park song. I don't mind a band experimenting as long as it still sounds like a song they'd make. This, however, does not sound like a 30 Seconds To Mars song. I mean yes, you have Jared Leto on vocals, but besides his voice there, it sounds like repetitive Julien-K at best, and something that belongs on pop radio at worst. Now, I don't hate electronic music, I love Daft Punk, I just hate 30 Seconds To Mars sounding like intense Daft Punk! Hopefully, they'll remember who their fans are, and experiment without ruining the band in the process. 30 Seconds To Mars, I still believe in you.