Sunday, April 22, 2012

Lana Del Ray SNL performance - WTF?

I remember watching the recent SNL episode with Daniel Radcliffe hosting and loving it. However I skipped over the Lana Del Ray performance which is what I usually do if I don't know the artist or don't like them. In this case it was don't know. However, after hearing that the critics said she was terrible I decided, "That's it, the next time it comes on, I am watching Lana Del Ray. And I watched it a few minutes ago and I cannot for the life of me understand why people thought she was so bad. I mean of course she wasn't good, but no pop star is, and she was good for a pop star. She was better than me when I sing in the car and a delirious friend says, you should be on TV and I make the cut because Rage Against The Machine didn't show up. Just kidding, for a pop star, she was very good, and I have no idea why people think she was so bad. I'll be doing another review soon (possibly a follow-up to the Pound Sign EP review).

Friday, April 20, 2012

Revenge Of The... Pound Sign EP review!

Hey Guys, I know it's been a while since I've done a review on anything, but I haven't had much good stuff to review. However, 2012 is the year. Every so often there is a year where every artist you love releases an album, and for me, it's 2012. Now I know I'm late on this one, but I'm reviewing it off YouTube cuz I have no money to spend on iTunes, so here is my review of Pound Sign EP by Dot Dot Curve.
The first track is called Right Now, and I don't know who the guys at the beginning are, but I wanna hear more from them. Spanky is great in screaming and rapping, and it's more fast and upbeat than say, Fruit Rolled Up. The only problem I can see(hear) is that it ended too soon.
The second track is called Vampire Ft. N!tro, and it seems like another one of those where N!tro has a rap verse at the beginning, and the artist starts, but it's almost all N!tro. Also, since when does N!tro sing? This reminds me of What The Future Holds in the way that it should be on the featured artist's album, and not DDC.
The third track is called Where's My Pants? which seems to be the big one, and it starts out pretty good, but is too long. This one is more crunk than core and is a throwback to I'm Still Here, except more extremely hip hop. Also I do believe it was dragged out too long. In fact, I don't remember a single scream in this song, which only happened in Stoner Boy Swag, as I remember. Good, but not great.
The last song is called Bologna, and this one is fantastic. It gets you interested in the beginning, and just gets better. This is definitely my favorite on the EP. The combination of Spanky's rap, screaming, and the sick beat, create the kind of song, you don't want to end. This one definitely was a great way to end the EP. My only criticism, is that the repeated "I be goin' ham!" gets the slightest bit annoying.
Well another review done, I have no idea what I'll review next (hoping for Born Villain by Marilyn Manson), so stay tuned.