Monday, August 22, 2011

My Problem with Reverbnation.

So recently I started making music, well... good music.
I've been making music for the past few years of my life, but only recently have I started making good music.
I wanted to upload a song to reverbnation called "This Is One" cuz my band is called One, and I upload it, my best song yet, and what do I get in return? "Your song is over our 8 MB limit"! What the f**k?! I can't upload anything that's longer than 5:30 without getting that message, and this was only 6:14, and I half to pay money, if I want to upgrade to 25 MB limit. F**k them. I can upload my music somewhere else.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

My thoughts on and my review of Punchline's Delightfully Pleased.

Okay, so I was looking up Brokencyde on wikipedia, and I read that they beat up some guy for saying they suck, and it turns out this guy was in a band called punchline. He made a website called where he lets you download his album Delightfully Pleased for any price, even $0. He doesn't even say why he thinks Brokencyde sucks!! I think this is just some way to get people to download his album, and all the money donated goes to his medical bills. Brokencyde doesn't suck, believe me, and I'd encourage you not to donate to this guy, but if you really feel bad about donating nothing to a guy who's injured, donate like $1 or $2. Nothing big though. So I decided to review this guy's album, which I downloaded for free. So here it is, my review of Punchline's Delightfully Pleased.
Track 1 is called Seventy and I've never heard Punchline before, but the guys voice, sounds like shit. It sounds like he tried to sound punk... and failed MISERABLY!!! Maybe I'm biased because I love brokencyde, but this doesn't even sound punk. It sounds like a cross between pop and punk, oh, wait, that's what they ARE!!! Besides that the lyrics are just awful, it sounds like he tried to be funny... and failed MISERABLY!!! AGAIN!!!!  That stupid little "You won't find songs of hopelessness on this record", don't try to be funny, cuz you're not, you're just a loser trying to sell an album, that sucks so far.
The second track is called The Reinventor and it sounds nothing like the first track, actually, it sounds wimpier, and like a wuss wrote it. I sounds like the missing link between emo and punk. Too hard rock to be emo, but too wussy to be punk. I miss the old days of punk like the Sex Pistols, back when punk wasn't wimpy, back when punk was punk. Anyway this song (The Reinventor) has the stupidest lyrics that make no frickin sense at all. It's just a stupid song.
Track three is called 21 Forever and is it just me, or did they copy the idea for this song from Metro Station? I know you Punchline fans will be like "NO! Metro Station copied Punchline"! Well, Metro Station's single came before this song, so ha-ha! The lyrics of this song make no sense except for the chorus, and even that's a stretch. Now I know all you Punchline fans are gonna be like "Well maybe his lyrics are too deep for you to understand!" well, no, these lyrics aren't deep, or thoughtful, they're just stupid.
Track four is called Greatest. Party. Ever., and if you're gonna hate on Brokencyde because you don't like their songs's messages, then you don't go making a song about partying, which is Brokencyde's thing, PARTY SONGS!!! This sounds like a wussy, wimpy, whiny pop version of a Brokencyde song, at least with Brokencyde, they're in your face about it, not wimpy. And again, these lyrics are just stupid! the only upside is that they actually make sense. At least with Brokencyde their lyrics make sense, and aren't just some random words piled together.
Track five is called Roller Coaster Smoke and it is soooooooo wimpy. This is probably one of the longest songs on the album, and that is torture for me cuz it sucks! But I have to listen to the whole thing if I want to give a fair review. I will admit it has some of the best lyrics I've heard so far, but that means nothing if the music and they way they're sang sucks.
Track six is called Into The Mouth and it starts out with this stupid thing where they sing one line, and everything stops for 2 seconds, and it's like that for half the song!!! This is a really short song, and I think they were just getting lazy by then. I know when I'm tired I get lazy, maybe they were tired of sucking.
Track 7 is called Whatever I Want, Whenever I Want, and it is sooooooooooooooooo wimpy. And that stupid high pitch voice in the beginning is so annoying. And what bugs me even more, is this is the punk type of message, yet, it's one of the least punk songs on the album!!! Are they punk, or are they pop?! I guess they can't make up their frickin mind. This song's lyrics could be punk, but they're sung like a wussy pop song.
Track 8 is called Keystoned and this is more punk sounding than the last one but the lyrics soooooooooooo much wussier and at one point they're just spewing random nonesense. I don't know how much more I can take of this stupid album, but I half to review the whole thing. *Sigh* this could be a long night.
Track 9 is called No Significant Other, and, it's a really stupid break-up song, and I usually love break-up songs, but this is just stupid. You're not supposed to sound happy, in a break-up song!!! The lyrics are equally as stupid as the music, and who the f**k is this Veronica chick he mentions at the end of the song? Is that his ex? Cuz if I were his ex I sure as hell wouldn't take him back after he recorded a wussy song like that.
Track 10 is called Coyotes In B Major (Awful Title), and it's definitely one of the better songs on the album, because it's meant to be funny, and it is. I like it the most out of the 1st 10 tracks, there, happy?
My problem is the last line "And this could never happen again, Unless it happens again". That is the stupidest ending line ever, what the f**k does it even mean?! 
Track 11 is called A Universal Theme and it seems like it's saying "You can change the world", a stupid message for a punk band. I will admit the music part is okay, but the lyrics are shit. I do not like this stupid band, I do not like it Sam I Am.
Track 12 is called The Spinning Of The World, and what do ya know, it's got electronic elements in it, *sigh* NOT PUNK!!! ELECTRONIC IS NOT PUNK!!!! I can't even find the lyrics to this song, so this song can't be popular, probably cuz it SUCKS!!! I don't understand how these guys are popular, and I ABSOLUTELY can't understand how they're more popular than Brokencyde.
Track 13 (Thank god it's the last one) is called Nature Of the Game and the lyrics sound like something a 10 year old with no talent could write (but, then again, so do a lot of these lyrics), all I can say is, a terrible end, to a TERRIBLE album.
Well, another review in the bag, I got a little lazy at the end, but then again, this whole album was lazy. Overall, I'd give this a 3 out of 10, and that's being unbiased. Oh and Brokencyde is AWESOME!!!! Cya! 

Dot Dot Curve :) Smiley Mixtape Review

Hey guys, I'm back with another review.
Now DDC recently came out with a new mixtape called Smiley mixtape, and I downloaded it, and there were only 7 tracks, it looks more like an EP compared to Sick Sense Of Humor. But I decided to review it, so here is, my review on Smiley mixtape.
Track 1 is called David Banner, and I love this song. It sounds a lot like old DDC, even with Young Chi rapping, it reminded me a lot of old DDC, but there's one thing I don't get... the name. David Banner, as we all know, is the true identity of the incredible hulk. But then I thought... maybe, they mean the rapper David Banner. But who freaking knows.
The second track is called Fly Free Ft. Nitro and being that this song is mostly Nitro, I expected a lot from Nitro, and he was good, but the downside of that is, Spanky only appears twice on the song, and it's to scream the chorus, it's not that I don't like screaming, it's just I'd like to hear more from Spanky. Also, this song seems a lot shorter than it really is because of the long intro.
Track 3 is called Freak Geek With Stretched Out Earlobes and the screaming at the beginning already makes this a good song. I love this song because it's mostly screaming, and I'm glad it's mostly screaming, because when Spanky does start rapping, it sounds like crap. And is it just me, or are DDC songs getting longer?
Track 4 is called Glass of Orange Juice and I love how it starts with an intro and then gets straight to the screaming. This kind of screaming reminds me a lot of Your Ears Will Bleeping Bleed, and that's a compliment in my book. I love this song because it reminds me of their second album except without Jayreck, whether he's better or worse without Jayreck, I don't know, that's for you to decide, but I love this song.
Track 5 is called Out The Park, and this one got straight to the screaming. I'm already starting to like this mixtape better than I'm Still Here. I can't understand the Chorus, but that's an improvement because I like not being able to understand the lyrics of the chorus, cuz that's the DDC I grew up listening to. The difference between me and some other people is I didn't stop listening to DDC after Jayreck left and Spanky changed his style a bit, and it sounds like all the people who stopped listening to DDC are missing the f**k out!!!!
Track 6 is called Tats On My Face and this one looks like the shortest one on the album. I don't like how he's half screaming half rapping cuz it sounds like crap. It's got a nice beat though, and also, did he have a falling out with Young Chi somewhere along the line, cuz he's only in one song on this album and in this song he says, fuck everybody else. WTF?!?
The last track is called Wobble and I don't like how it doesn't start out with screaming but when he does scream it sounds great!!! I guess there has to be a different type song on this mixtape, after all, there's only 7 tracks on the album. To be honest this song is really annoying. I can't believe I listened to a whole 6 minutes of it but I had to to give a fair review. Besides the screaming this song is really annoying. So I finally get a DDC song longer than 5 minutes, and it's soooooooo annoying, thanks Spanky, you really made my day.
Well, that's another review, overall, I'd give this a 9 out of 10. The only reason it's not 10 out of 10 is because   Wobble sucks. Thanks for reading, cya

Friday, August 12, 2011

Forever The Living Dead - I'll Never Be Mainstream EP Review [Requested by Ricki :)]

Hey guys, I'm back with another review for you,
So, I was talking with Ricki from Forever The Living Dead, and he asked me to review his EP, and I was glad to, cuz I've been waiting to review this for a long time, so Ricki, this one's for you.
The first track is an intro called Lost In The Dubs, I don't really know if that name is supposed to be related to the fact that something is sampled in this song, but I like it. This would be good to dance to, but it probably doesn't take a lot of work to sing, because the band members don't sing in it. I'm not going to say it's lazy though because it was really sweet.
The second track is called So Gone featuring Forever Famous, and I don't know what it is with crunk bands and the word forever but this is just ridiculous. On a different note, the song is f**king awesome!!!! It's my favorite FTLD song, just because it's so awesome, and it's awesome because the beat is sweet, and the rap isn't crap, because it's awesome!!!!!!!
The third track is called E.P.I.C., and at first I didn't know what the name meant, but then I heard him say "Engaging People In Chaos" and I'm like, oh yea... E.P.I.C., Engaging People In Chaos. I heard an unfinished version of this song and it was missing a verse but all I have to say about the new verse is it's awesome. Am I the only one who gets slightly annoyed with how many times they say E.P.I.C.? And are the lyrics just too deep for me to understand or just stupid, cuz I couldn't understand the meaning behind them if there was any.
This song sounds like something Blood On The Dance Floor would make, but I still love it.
The fourth track is called So Hate Us, I'd never heard this before today and you're probably thinking "Michael, what do you think of this new FTLD song, so hate us?" Well, I like it. It's not as good as So Gone, but better than track 5 (which I will get to), I really don't have all that much to say about this song, besides it's really good.
The fifth and final track is called Throw Em Up, and I don't give many bad reviews, because I wouldn't buy something I didn't like, and I liked this EP, but as a reviewer anything I review may get criticism, and I just didn't like Throw Em Up. It wasn't boring, but I just thought it wasn't the kind of FTLD song I love. It was a bad way to end the EP. If I were FTLD I would've at least made an outro so I didn't have to end it with Throw Em Up. It's not a horrible song, just not an ending song.
Well, that's another review, this EP had it's ups and downs but all in all I'd give it a 9 out of 10, if for no other reason than 4 of the 5 songs were great. Cya :)