Thursday, June 23, 2011

My Gift To You - Escape The Fate Self Titled Album Review!!!

Okay guys, let me just say one thing first, read my Brokencyde review, you will be able to tell how tired I was from just reading it. I wanted to give you something to show you I'm going to try harder now, so here it is, my review of ETF's self titled album.

*Note: Let's get one thing straight before I start, no Craig hating, or you will have made an enemy.

Track 1 is an intro called Choose Your Fate and it builds up really well. I liked it, and that's not all I'm gonna say. I liked how dark it was, it's got sorta a scary tone, and it should with all that makeup.
Track 2 is called Massacre and it's one of the only tracks with any screaming, and I like Craig's screaming, and well, let's face it, Ronnie was a terrible screamer. I love the chorus to this song!!
Track 3 is called Issues, and it was the first official single off the album, but the first song leaked, I think was massacre. Now, don't get me wrong, this IS a great song, but it's soooooo short! I mean couldn't they have made it longer somehow? But all criticism aside, this is a great song.
Track 4 is one of my favorites, called Zombie Dance, I love the part where Craig goes "We're already dead x4" That part is awesome!! It's the one song that mentions "a dead masquerade" Which was the name of their tour!
Track 5 is called Gorgeous Nightmare and I heard this song on the radio the other day, and I have a new love for this song. I think that Craig is terribly underrated, especially when I hear songs like this! F**k Craig haters, he's a f**king great singer, and a better screamer than Ronnie ever was... EVER!!
Track 6 is called City Of Sin, and between this and Issues, there are a lot of short songs on this album! But this is an amazing song!! Too bad they didn't play it when I saw them live. :(
Track 7 is called Day Of Wreckoning, and I think this could be my favorite song on the album (tied with The Aftermath [G3])!!! I like the chorus, I like the verses, I like everything about it!!
Track 8 is called Lost In Darkness and it starts out soft, but then it gets better, then softer, than better, etc.
Track 9 is called Prepare Your Weapon and it's really, and I mean, REALLY heavy metal!!! Along with Massacre, City Of Sin, Day Of Wreckoning, and The Aftermath (G3), this is one of the only songs with screaming. All criticism aside, this is a great song!!!
Track 10 is called World Around Me, and you're not gonna believe this... you ready for this... IT'S A SOFT SONG!!!! I keep expecting it to pick up, like an ordinary ETF song, but it DOESN'T!!! I don't like it, sorry ETF!
Track 11 is one of my favorites, it's called The Aftermath (G3) which happens to be the last song. It probably has the most screaming of any song on this album, and I'd expect that, being that it's one of the Guillotine saga. This is a great song, and a great way to end the album, I love it!!!
Well, another review, wrapped up, hope you enjoy this one more than the Brokencyde one. And Craig haters, go see ETF live, without Ronnie, they're amazing, no matter who you love, they're great!!! And you're gonna hate him even more for this, but they played Situations, and did GREAT!!!

Addressing my last review.

Hey guys,
Remind me never to make a review in the middle of the night again.
My Brokencyde review probably isn't the best, because I was f**king tired when I wrote it.
I apologize for it not being the best, and I promise, the next one will be better.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

DJ Sku Presents Brokencyde Vol. 1 Review

Hey Guys, welcome to Part 2 of my Crunk review.
This is a review of Brokencyde's new shit. Enjoy.
Track 1 is called Breaking Point. The intro part is really funny. It's a pretty sick song, and I really like it. Sorry I didn't have more to say about it, I'm just really tired and I'm getting lazy cuz of it.
Track 2 is called Haterz Make Us Famous, and aint that the truth! It's got a pretty sick beat, and the vocals are AWESOME!!! So haterz, if you don't want BC13 to be famous, don't pay any attention to them!
Track 3 is called Skream, and it's pretty cool. It starts out just rapping, which is weird for a song called Skream. And finally at 0:50, we get some skreaming!!
Track 4 is called Fofo's, and it's really short... but good!!! It's got a lot of screaming for a 1 minute 27 second song.
Then there's a skit that ties in with it. The skit is kinda annoying.
Track 6 is called Around The World, and it's pretty good. It's pretty hip hop, and I'm not sure when the screaming comes in.
Track 7 is called Fall Back and it's really cool, I like it, because it's got a lot of attitude. It's got some cool screaming, and when he screams, he SKREAMS!!
Track 8 is called  Prank Call Skit and it's f**king funny!! It's so funny, I literally laughed my a** off.
Track 9 is called In Love With Da Game I think it's kinda boring. That's just my opinion, I just don't like it.
Track 10 is called Skit, and it's really short.
Track 11 is called Pothead, and it's another drug song. I mean I like Brokencyde drug songs, but I'm getting kinda sick of them. I still like them, but I'd like to hear some other types of songs.
Track 12 is called Sorry We're Not Slayer Skit, and it's basically about them not being a band, but being a hip hop "GROUP".
Track 13 is called So Punk-Rock, and I like it because there's a LOT of screaming. This is what I like about this EP that I didn't like about I'm Still Here... there's a LOT of screaming!!
Track 14 is called AM, and I'm not really into it, it's kinda too dancey. I'm not into too much dance-pop stuff.
Track 15 is called 2Night and it's really good!!! It's a good song, and I like it, I'm sorry I don't have more to say.
Track 16 is called I'm the king, and this is a great way to end the album, because there's a lot of screaming and it's really good,
Well, another review wrapped up, I'm sorry if this way too short, or it wasn't my best review, but I was very tired when I wrote this, and I'm very eager to go to bed. Goodnight!

Amongst The Reckage - Vader Skillz Review

Hey guys,
This is part 1 in my 2 part review of the 2 new crunk albums I haven't reviewed yet.
Part 1 is the first release from Jayreck's new band, Amongst The Reckage, called Vader Skillz.
I'm expecting highly of this, because it's Jayreck's first release since leaving DDC, and I already gave DDC a good review, so I'm expecting just as highly of this.

Track one is called YerGonnaDie and the first thing I noticed when I looked at the track listing for this album, is that none of the tracks have spaces. I'll let it pass, Jayreck probably just has a problem with his spacebar, but back to the song. And it is the f**king weirdest intro I've ever heard. I don't get what message they're trying to get across. *Whispers* Wait, what? The message is YerGonnaDie? Well goodbye guys!
Track 2 is called TakeMeToYourLeader, and it is f**king AWESOME!!! It's mostly screaming, okay scratch that, all screaming, yet, for some reason, I can't get enough of it!!
Track 3 is called DevilHorns, and it's pretty cool. My only problem is it's kinda repetitive. Other than that it's great! I just would've made it less repetitive.
Track 4 is called WhatYouFear, and it is really awesome!! It's like a song for anyone who feels hated, who feels alone, who feels like nothing is good enough for anyone else. Thank you Jayreck!
Track 5 is called VaderSkillz and it starts out kinda boring, but it gets better, and by the end of the song, you'll be begging for more, and... do I hear a DDC song reference? The lyrics "You can call me crunkatron"? Tell me that's not a reference to the DDC song Krunkatronic!
Track 6 is called RunRed, and it's really sick!! I don't really get what it's about though. But who the f**k cares?! Not me! It's still f**king awesome!!
Track 7 is called DropZone and it's weird, because there's no real lyrics, and the vocals it does have is just noise.
Track 8 is called DanceBeforeDoomsday Ft JJ Demon. I like it, and JJ Demon's part is okay, but it's not as good as his part in Fresh 2 Death Remix, but it's still better than the appearance he has in I'm Still Here (Go Forever The Living Dead!!)
Track 9 is called The Dark Side Of The Force, it's a really sick song, and it's the first song with spaces in the name. It's awesome!! I love it!!
Track 10 is called No Hands, it's a remix, and seeing how bad this remix is, I can't imagine how bad the original is.
Track 11 is called Dro, and the first thing I noticed is it has lyrics from 420 on the DDC mixtape. I remembered, Oh Em Gee! These are the lyrics from 420, and this is a pretty sick song!! I don't do drugs, but the songs about drugs are pretty awesome (StonerBoySwag!!)
Track 12 is called tsixEoDsneilA, and it's AliensDoExist backwards, everything in this track is backwards, so I reversed it, and it's basically interviews with people who saw aliens.
Track 13 (and the last track), is called CrazyInsane=X and it's probably the best song on the album! I loved it!!! So sick!!
Well another review wrapped up, in all I would give this a 9 out of 10.
Stay tuned for part 2, where I review DJ Sku Presents Brokencyde Vol. 1

Friday, June 17, 2011

Forever The Living Dead - Shorty You're My One Mini Review

Hey guys,
So I recently got in touch with Ricki from Forever The Living Dead, and he asked me to review his new single.
So I said okay. I listened to the demo of this song and it was different from many other crunk songs out there. It was softer. And it was more meaningful than a lot of rap songs out there. It came straight from the heart from the sound of it, and occasionally, I like a song like that. It was not as fast as other crunk songs, so I was getting the feeling that it might be boring at the beginning, but it was far from boring. It was a touching song. My only problem is, him referring to his true love as "shorty" at first made me imagine he was referring to a midget girl, but then I thought, "open your mind Michael" and those thoughts just went away. It's a very sweet, touching song, and I like it. 8 out of 10.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Dot Dot Curve :) I'm Still Here Review!!!

Dot Dot Curve has been my favorite band for over 2 years now. They started out with a lineup of just Spanky. Then Jayreck joined. For the most part they always played crunkcore, but then Jayreck left, and they released a music video for the song, Fruit Rolled Up. This song represented a major change in DDC's song style, because ordinarily, DDC made crunkcore stuff, but this could only be described as hip hop. If you're like me, you wanted to know what the rest of the album was gonna be like. So I pre-ordered the new DDC album on may 2nd, and it should have shipped may 24th, but it didn't ship, and so I finally got fed up and cancelled the order. I just went and bought it at Hot Topic.
So here, finally, is my review of Dot Dot Curve's I'm still here.
The first track is an intro called Yur Kidding. It's basically some guys (presumably DDC playing other guys), smoking and talking about how much DDC sucks, which reminds me a lot of the intro to Till The Wheels Fall Off, which was called Hanh!. Anyway, a good intro to the album, which ties in with the first song.
The second track on the album is a song called We Nice, and man, it is good to hear some screaming after hearing nothing new by DDC but Fruit Rolled Up since the announcement of the album. Pop Off was good, but it doesn't really count, since it's not on the album.
The third track is called Koolaide and it's good, and it reminds me a lot of the original DDC, y'know, aside from Young Chi being on the new album. My argument that this is better than Fruit Rolled Up, is that it's not strictly about drugs. I don't know why, but this song makes me want to drink Koolaide, in hopes that it will make me as cool as Spanky.
The fourth track on the album is Fruit Rolled Up, a drug rap, and the first new song DDC released since Your Ears Will Bleeping Bleed. This track was very different from anything on Till The Wheels Fall Off, or Your Ears Will Bleeping Bleed, because DDC went from making songs with all screaming like This Is Halloween, to a song with all rapping. Before this song, the only songs they had about drinking or drugs, were Spoon Full Of Sugar, and Stoner Boy Swag, but now they've had a lot more songs about drugs. Personally, I liked the days of mostly screaming better, but this was still an okay song.
The fifth track on this album is a song called What The Future Holds featuring Potent Da Rockstar, and honestly, for a song that's mostly rap... it's REALLY good. There's barely any screaming though and it's kinda weird, like it's been edited.
The sixth track on the album is a prelude called Titty Milk, and it's about a guy at Hot Topic, looking for the new DDC cd, like me! :) Only difference was, he didn't like it.
The seventh track on the album is called Shake Your Titties Featuring J Bigga, and for a song about shaking titties, it's pretty good. I like it mainly because J Bigga is in it, and because the song is mostly J Bigga, other than that, the song really doesn't stand out that much, but it's good.
The eighth track on the album is called Gigga Dee. The song is great! The only thing I didn't like about it is that Spanky needs to brush up on his horror movie history. He says "I can chop and screw you like Freddy with my machete". Get a clue Spanky, Freddy has knives for fingers, Jason carries a machete. I know, I know, it rhymes, but being a horror movie fan, I absolutely HAD to point that out.
The ninth track on the album is called Stop, Drop And Roll Featuring JJ Demon. It's a pretty good song, but I don't like JJ Demon's part. I can't say why, but I just don't like it.
The tenth track on the album is called I'm Weird, and if Spanky had proved anything to me in this album, it's that, one, you can change your style a bit, and not be a sellout, AND that you can be weird AND AWESOME!! It's a really good song, and yes Spanky, you are a weirdo, but you're still my favorite!!
The eleventh track on the album is called Take A Nap, and it is my favorite song on the album because of all the screaming! It's a f**king awesome song, and Spanky has proved to me that he is still hardcore!!!
The last real song is a freestyle by Young Chi called YCB Notes. YCB I'm assuming means Young Chi Baby. It was good, but I would like to see a freestyle from Spanky in their next album. 
The last track is an outro called You're Snoring ZZZ, and I don't know what to think of it, because basically, I don't understand what was going on.
Well, that wraps up my review of Dot Dot Curve :)'s third album I'm Still Here. Thank you for reading, and be sure to keep up, for a new review may be coming soon.