Thursday, June 23, 2011

My Gift To You - Escape The Fate Self Titled Album Review!!!

Okay guys, let me just say one thing first, read my Brokencyde review, you will be able to tell how tired I was from just reading it. I wanted to give you something to show you I'm going to try harder now, so here it is, my review of ETF's self titled album.

*Note: Let's get one thing straight before I start, no Craig hating, or you will have made an enemy.

Track 1 is an intro called Choose Your Fate and it builds up really well. I liked it, and that's not all I'm gonna say. I liked how dark it was, it's got sorta a scary tone, and it should with all that makeup.
Track 2 is called Massacre and it's one of the only tracks with any screaming, and I like Craig's screaming, and well, let's face it, Ronnie was a terrible screamer. I love the chorus to this song!!
Track 3 is called Issues, and it was the first official single off the album, but the first song leaked, I think was massacre. Now, don't get me wrong, this IS a great song, but it's soooooo short! I mean couldn't they have made it longer somehow? But all criticism aside, this is a great song.
Track 4 is one of my favorites, called Zombie Dance, I love the part where Craig goes "We're already dead x4" That part is awesome!! It's the one song that mentions "a dead masquerade" Which was the name of their tour!
Track 5 is called Gorgeous Nightmare and I heard this song on the radio the other day, and I have a new love for this song. I think that Craig is terribly underrated, especially when I hear songs like this! F**k Craig haters, he's a f**king great singer, and a better screamer than Ronnie ever was... EVER!!
Track 6 is called City Of Sin, and between this and Issues, there are a lot of short songs on this album! But this is an amazing song!! Too bad they didn't play it when I saw them live. :(
Track 7 is called Day Of Wreckoning, and I think this could be my favorite song on the album (tied with The Aftermath [G3])!!! I like the chorus, I like the verses, I like everything about it!!
Track 8 is called Lost In Darkness and it starts out soft, but then it gets better, then softer, than better, etc.
Track 9 is called Prepare Your Weapon and it's really, and I mean, REALLY heavy metal!!! Along with Massacre, City Of Sin, Day Of Wreckoning, and The Aftermath (G3), this is one of the only songs with screaming. All criticism aside, this is a great song!!!
Track 10 is called World Around Me, and you're not gonna believe this... you ready for this... IT'S A SOFT SONG!!!! I keep expecting it to pick up, like an ordinary ETF song, but it DOESN'T!!! I don't like it, sorry ETF!
Track 11 is one of my favorites, it's called The Aftermath (G3) which happens to be the last song. It probably has the most screaming of any song on this album, and I'd expect that, being that it's one of the Guillotine saga. This is a great song, and a great way to end the album, I love it!!!
Well, another review, wrapped up, hope you enjoy this one more than the Brokencyde one. And Craig haters, go see ETF live, without Ronnie, they're amazing, no matter who you love, they're great!!! And you're gonna hate him even more for this, but they played Situations, and did GREAT!!!

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