Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Amongst The Reckage - Vader Skillz Review

Hey guys,
This is part 1 in my 2 part review of the 2 new crunk albums I haven't reviewed yet.
Part 1 is the first release from Jayreck's new band, Amongst The Reckage, called Vader Skillz.
I'm expecting highly of this, because it's Jayreck's first release since leaving DDC, and I already gave DDC a good review, so I'm expecting just as highly of this.

Track one is called YerGonnaDie and the first thing I noticed when I looked at the track listing for this album, is that none of the tracks have spaces. I'll let it pass, Jayreck probably just has a problem with his spacebar, but back to the song. And it is the f**king weirdest intro I've ever heard. I don't get what message they're trying to get across. *Whispers* Wait, what? The message is YerGonnaDie? Well goodbye guys!
Track 2 is called TakeMeToYourLeader, and it is f**king AWESOME!!! It's mostly screaming, okay scratch that, all screaming, yet, for some reason, I can't get enough of it!!
Track 3 is called DevilHorns, and it's pretty cool. My only problem is it's kinda repetitive. Other than that it's great! I just would've made it less repetitive.
Track 4 is called WhatYouFear, and it is really awesome!! It's like a song for anyone who feels hated, who feels alone, who feels like nothing is good enough for anyone else. Thank you Jayreck!
Track 5 is called VaderSkillz and it starts out kinda boring, but it gets better, and by the end of the song, you'll be begging for more, and... do I hear a DDC song reference? The lyrics "You can call me crunkatron"? Tell me that's not a reference to the DDC song Krunkatronic!
Track 6 is called RunRed, and it's really sick!! I don't really get what it's about though. But who the f**k cares?! Not me! It's still f**king awesome!!
Track 7 is called DropZone and it's weird, because there's no real lyrics, and the vocals it does have is just noise.
Track 8 is called DanceBeforeDoomsday Ft JJ Demon. I like it, and JJ Demon's part is okay, but it's not as good as his part in Fresh 2 Death Remix, but it's still better than the appearance he has in I'm Still Here (Go Forever The Living Dead!!)
Track 9 is called The Dark Side Of The Force, it's a really sick song, and it's the first song with spaces in the name. It's awesome!! I love it!!
Track 10 is called No Hands, it's a remix, and seeing how bad this remix is, I can't imagine how bad the original is.
Track 11 is called Dro, and the first thing I noticed is it has lyrics from 420 on the DDC mixtape. I remembered, Oh Em Gee! These are the lyrics from 420, and this is a pretty sick song!! I don't do drugs, but the songs about drugs are pretty awesome (StonerBoySwag!!)
Track 12 is called tsixEoDsneilA, and it's AliensDoExist backwards, everything in this track is backwards, so I reversed it, and it's basically interviews with people who saw aliens.
Track 13 (and the last track), is called CrazyInsane=X and it's probably the best song on the album! I loved it!!! So sick!!
Well another review wrapped up, in all I would give this a 9 out of 10.
Stay tuned for part 2, where I review DJ Sku Presents Brokencyde Vol. 1

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