Saturday, October 6, 2012

Dot Dot Curve - Nasty review

I'm a big fan of Dot Dot Curve, but I wasn't a big fan of Dead Beat. Right after that they released Deaf, Dumb and Blind, which I was going to review, before I heard about their new mixtape, Nasty. I downloaded it and now, I am going to review it. So here is my review of DDC's Nasty.

Track 1 is the title track, and while it gets a bit repetitive, I really liked it. Why? Because it is reminiscent of all DDC's work, from Till The Wheels Fall Off to Dead Beat. Spanky is as good as ever, and the beat is awesome, just putting that out there. While not my favorite on the record, it is a great start.
Track 2 is called iRock ft. BayBay, and if Spanky proved anything with this, it's that, you don't need to tell us that. This song could be called Untitled and we'd get the message. You get a great verse from BayBay, and Spanky takes care of the rest.
Track 3 is called This Is Anarchy ft. Jayreck, and this sounds like it could be on Your Ears Will Bleeping Bleed 2. You get Jayreck in the beginning, which is always a good thing. Spanky's verse is awesome, and I would really like to see more songs like this in the future.
Track 4 is called Go Stupid, and this one sounds like it could've been on Dead Beat considering the other songs on there. This is a song that makes you want to move (Like Red Hot Chili Peppers, but not in any other way). I do like it, but were the 10 seconds of silence at the end really necessary?
Track 5 is called Trick Treat Ft BayBay, and so much of this song is screaming, I was almost surprised when BayBay had this awesome verse in the middle of all the screaming. And while I love this song musically, I can't understand most of the lyrics, so I haven't the slightest clue what it's about, besides BayBay's verse, which doesn't provide much insight besides "Slasher Movie Soundtrack". At first BayBay's verse seems almost unnecessary in this kind of song, but then I realized it brought something different to an almost all screaming song. I was able to really enjoy this song, and still do when I listen to it again. 
Track 6 was originally called Earthquake, which I believe would've been a better title, but they chose Hard Rock Sweater ft Young Chi. I think it was appropriate to have Young Chi on this song because it sounds like I'm Still Here Revamped, although it could've just as easily have been on Dead Beat (Although I'm glad it wasn't). While Young Chi didn't get his own verse, he did get a pretty kick ass part in the chorus. And Spanky was good throughout. 
Track 7 is called 8OH8!, and at first I thought the entire song was going to have 9 different lyrics (oddly enough) which would've been awful, but then Spanky starts rapping, and relief. Great rap verse, although I think the electro music in the background gets a bit annoying. After that verse though, it just repeats itself. I think he should've ended it differently.
Overall thoughts: 9/10, maybe I am giving this album a little too much credit, but I just hated the lack of brand new material on Dead Beat, so I guess I was really excited to see new material that was so good, even if I do overrate it. I liked Deaf Dumb and Blind (Which I will get to), but I love this. I just hope DDC's next album isn't something like this combined with Deaf Dumb and Blind, or something dumb like that. 
Oh, and in the tradition of every DDC album I have being a different genre in iTunes for some reason, I have labeled this, Goth Rock, don't ask why, I do not know.
Tune in next time, when I will review Dot Dot Curve's Deaf Dumb and Blind.

Oh, and here's a link to the download of Nasty ---->

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