Saturday, October 6, 2012

Review of Vengeance by R.Jones

Yea, I know, I put off Deaf, Dumb and Blind, again, but I got a request from the artist on this one, so here is my review, of R.Jones.
Track 1 is called Jesus Juice Ft. Chao, and while the lyrics and sound were reminiscent of Aesop Rock, the distorted voice was not a good first impression. Then it's just instrumental for the rest. I dunno, I hope there's more to it than this.
Track 2 is called Fantasy Life ft. Brandon Turk, and this is infinitely better than the first track. The music is catchy as hell, and the voice isn't distorted to the point of annoyance. I actually enjoyed this whereas the first had good lyrics, and that's it. Brandon Turk was pretty good, but I have to wonder, was the 4 minute length really necessary?
Track 3 is called Atari Team Gang, and honestly, I don't see the reason for this song's existence, let alone it being 6 minutes. I made it to about the 1 minute mark and wanted it to be over.
Track 4 is called Pop Off ft. puffpuffpass(what?), and thank goodness for this track because were it not for this, I would be reluctant to listen to anything by R.Jones again. While it repeats lyrics, from ATG, there's actually real verses in this track. I personally think this track could do without a chorus though.
Overall thoughts 5/10, simply because it's literally half good. I see potential, but I can't stand half the record. I love long songs, but if they're bad, making it long is worse. R.Jones himself told me he made this a while back, so I'm hoping he's improved, and stuff like this is a lesson in what not to do. Now, I am not going to post anything, until my review for Deaf Dumb and Blind, thank you.

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